Friday, November 12, 2010

Prayer: Day 3

Day 3 took an interesting turn for me.  My wife just got off the phone with the doctor's office and has to have some more test with her thyroid.  Both of us were worried because it could be nothing or it could be something.  So while she was doing some work.  I went into the guest bedroom and knelled down in front of the bed.  I imagine myself running to the throne room.  I get cleansed by the Holy Spirit then I enter the throne room.  As I am standing there in front of the creator, I bring my wife into the throne room and I ask that the Lord will heal her.  He lays his hands on her throat while I am praying.  After that I feel a peace wash over me, I open my eyes and continue on with my day.

later on that day, my wife was talking to her father about the situation.  In her conversation she started to have a peace about the situation.  Her final conclusion was that it is either nothing, or, if it is something, is early enough so that it can be treated and cured.  Whatever happens, I truly feel that God's presence was real in that throne room.

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