I wrote the following quite a while ago, and if you have been on my facebook page, you may have read it; but I think it is something that we need to be reminded of from time to time, so I am posting it here. My hope is that we begin to take seriously the words of Christ, because that is when we begin to have ears to actually hear him. So hear are some of those words with the commentary of someone who is merely trying to figure things out:
I get so frustrated sometimes. I mean, I get so scuffed. I struggle deeply when others don't get it...When I don't get it...When we just don't get it…when we actually begin to believe that God is angry with us before he loves us. I was reading my Bible today, and I just finished reading the gospel written by the apostle John. It is quite a wonderful book, and it has caused me to think about some things in my own life and in the way I carry myself. A particular passage has struck my attention today, and I propose that we ought to think about this, and allow the passage to change our lives.
So, beginning in 16:33, Jesus says this to the disciples, "I have told you these things so that in me, you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This verse is the last thing that Jesus says to his disciples before he is arrested, tried, flogged, and crucified. Now let me jump ahead to chapter 20. What is the first thing that you might suppose Jesus says to the disciples after being raised from the dead? Well, 20:19 says this, "Peace be with you!" When the disciples realize it is Jesus, they are totally stoked, and Jesus says it again, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." And it goes on to say "he breathed on them and said, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" Again, when Jesus reveals himself to Thomas, who was doubting the disciple's witnesses of Jesus' resurrection. The scripture says that Thomas locked himself in the house, but Jesus some how came in, and the first thing that Jesus says to Thomas is "Peace be with you!"
Now put yourselves in the shoes of these disciples...Your leader, who you believed to be the one from God, who would save the world from death, has been utterly shamed by the cross--the most unhonorable death. Who ought you to follow now? You put all of your trust in him. You dedicated your whole life to being exactly like him. You followed him everywhere, slept where he slept, ate wherever he ate; you were troubled with whatever he was troubled with. You actually became homeless just to follow this guy, and ultimately you suck without him. You were a nobody before you met him. You were merely an average person learning from your parents how to make a living and get by in life, and he came along and told you that you were worth teaching and he made you into a completely new person.
Now he is gone, and you don't know who you are any more. Everything that you believed about him and the things that he told you were crushed. So, you hang your head in grief and despair; and you lock yourself in your house because you too are ashamed to be seen by anyone—for you might be seen as a nobody once again.
Sometimes we get so down. So low. We are dealing with so much crap in life, that we feel abandoned by everyone and everything that has ever been important to us. We have reoccurring doubt in God like Thomas had. Our home life has completely fallen apart, or a relationship with another has caused so much pain. Possibly, we are so ashamed of who we are or where we’ve been that we go home and lock the doors so we don’t have to deal with life’s curses anymore. And we think to ourselves at times, “I can’t go to God, he is angry and frustrated with who I am and what I have done. I always let him down. I am tired of asking for what I truly do not deserve—forgiveness.”
Here’s what Jesus says to you. It is not “I am so ashamed of you.” It is not “You need to get it together.” He says, “Peace be with you!” Even though you lock the doors and give up, he finds a way in, and he says again, “Peace be with you.” He looks at you and he breathes on you saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He remembers the day he created you; and just like he breathed life into Adam and Eve when they were created, he did the same when he created you. And now Jesus is breathing new life into you. It is life that brings peace beyond understanding.
I wanted to share this with you all because I have gone through so much of my life feeling like I have let God down, and that I could never live up to his sacrifice. But I am learning that Jesus truly gives peace. He does not desire for us to be burdened by our failures. If you are beating yourself up over your struggles or your failures, that is not what Jesus desires. Sure, you ought to be sorry, but Jesus’ ultimate concern is that you receive his grace, and spread it to others. He loves you, and he desires to have you as his own. I ask you not to shove away the love of Jesus, and the peace he desires for you to have. You must trust in that promise, and live by the grace of Jesus. He died to take away your sin, shame, and guilt…that is true love.
I have just one last closing thought. Allow me to jump around the text once more. Throughout the entire gospel of John, there is this anonymous guy mentioned. He is referred to as the “other disciple” sometimes, or the “disciple who was with them” other times. But the name that this guy is given throughout the gospel is “The one whom Jesus loved” or the “Beloved disciple.” And now, when we think about it, we think…did Jesus love this guy more than he loved the other disciples? Or we might be tempted to think that this guy was better than the other disciples in some way shape or form. Maybe he did something that was great, or he understood concepts of truth to a fuller extent than any of the other disciples, or…We could go on and on. But as we read at the very end of the gospel, this is what John says about this anonymous character: “This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down.” This guy that John leaves anonymous throughout the entire book ended up being John! Now, if this is John, then we kinda get a picture of how he views himself—he believes that he is “the one whom Jesus loved.” He knew it. He claimed it. He could not get away from it. He identified himself fully in Jesus’ love. That is how he wanted people to know him. When will we be so bold in our faith in Jesus Christ that we claim to be “The one whom Jesus loved?” Find your identity in Christ and live grace. In closing, I will say to you on behalf of Jesus, “Peace be with you!”
--The One Whom Jesus Loves
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