Before reading this post it will be a good idea to read the book, "You Lost Me," by David Kinnaman or listen to our book review via podcast.
Most of my ministry training has been through working at Youth Camps. The one question that has plagued my mind the last few years is, "Why do students have a hard time staying with there commitment to Christ?" I generally, lead towards the conclusion that the church was not doing a great job discipling these students who committed there life to Christ during a camp or convention program. Now I am thinking, "what if the camps/conventions are the culprit?"
The typical outline for camp/conventions when it comes to the message is: 1.) Sin, bondage, hell 2.) Jesus, freedom, salvation 3.) Growth, discipleship. In a way, most youth camps and/or conventions follow a subtle pattern to the preaching during the Great Awakenings. You start heavy with the sin. hell preaching then towards the end talk about salvation and people will flock with tears to the alter and repent from there sinful life. Conventions and camps do the same thing, some camps are identical to the Great Awakenings pattern while others try to find a healthy balance between the sin and salvation.
The issue that all this boils down to is Guilt. Students may screw up and because of what they learn from these establishments is that they are sinners which makes them feel guilty for what they have done. Instead of asking for forgiveness and grace, they hold on to that guilt and feel like they let God down and that He is disappointed in them. They then carry this lie with them until the next camp/convention where they can finally let the guilt go. However, once they hit that ripe old age of 18, they carry the guilt with them and never have the opportunity to lay it down at the alter.
I would love to hear out readers reactions to this post or any thoughts you have about why young adults are leaving the Church.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Theology and Film: Dawn of the Dead
Hello Friends,
Today is Halloween, and I have an exciting Theology and Film post to share. Growing up, I have always been a fan of horror movies. My love for horror movies came from my mother. My mother did not like them so she would prohibit watching them when she was around. As I got older, I bought a DVD player and got a subscription to Netflix (this was when they first started, which means only one location, and no streaming. Scary!!!!). With this new found power of watching anything I wanted, I would fill up my queue with horror movies.
One movie I enjoyed was Dawn of the Dead (1978, not the 2004 version). Watching this film, one of the theories that the dead walked the earth was because "hell ran out of room." Recently, when I watched this movie, the phrase, "hell ran out of room," lingered in my head. It made me thing about evangelism. Now what does a zombie apocalypse and evangelism have to do with each other? Well, if the reason why the dead walk is because "hell ran out of room," then that means there are more souls going to hell then going to heaven. Matthew 28:18-20 says,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
As Followers of Christ, it is our responsibility to share the Gospel with everyone we come in contact with. It is more important that we live out or faith just as much as we profess it. However, I know for some, evangelising is a hard thing to do. What is so challenging about spreading the gospel? One reason is that most people do not know how. Some people have seen other people evangelizing on street corners handing out tracts and saying, "repent for the end is near." Some have seen people walk up to people and tell the person that they are spreading the gospel that they are sinners and they need to change there ways or they are going to hell. For some people these methods work, however for some, it continues to see Christians as a bunch of crazies and they walk further and further away from Christ.
Is there a better solution to witness to people? Yes! reading through the four Gospels, I notice some things about Jesus when he would talk to people. First, he would never start off by telling the other person their sins. Any time Jesus would go to an individual, he would never start the conversation talking about sin. He always would ask questions, listen to the person, or would talk to an individual with gentleness and respect. When sin was brought up, that is when he would address it. For example, the woman caught in adultery, Jesus never said that she was a sinner. when the crowd walked away, He asked her if anyone was left to condemn her, she said no, and then he said he did not condemn her either and to go and sin no more. What is interesting about this story is that she knew that she had sinned and was feeling the guilt (and fear) of her actions. Jesus non-chalantly forgave her and told her to sin no more. No hell, fire, and brimstone sermon from Him afterwards.
Lastly, he never pursued a situation where he was never wanted. After Jesus drove the demons out of a man and into a herd of pigs, the villagers wanted him to leave. He did what the crowd asked and left but before he did, he refused the man, who was possessed to come with him because Jesus knew that this man could help lead the village to salvation. When we share the gospel, some do not want to hear it. Unlike Jesus, it is hard for us to walk away when people do not want to hear the message, especially if it is in a work or family setting. However, sometimes it is good to table the sharing of the gospel in order to build up relationships with co-workers, family members, etc. Eventually, something will happen when that particular person would need to hear the gospel and then not only can you lead them to Christ, but they also have a great support system in place.
Today is Halloween, and I have an exciting Theology and Film post to share. Growing up, I have always been a fan of horror movies. My love for horror movies came from my mother. My mother did not like them so she would prohibit watching them when she was around. As I got older, I bought a DVD player and got a subscription to Netflix (this was when they first started, which means only one location, and no streaming. Scary!!!!). With this new found power of watching anything I wanted, I would fill up my queue with horror movies.
One movie I enjoyed was Dawn of the Dead (1978, not the 2004 version). Watching this film, one of the theories that the dead walked the earth was because "hell ran out of room." Recently, when I watched this movie, the phrase, "hell ran out of room," lingered in my head. It made me thing about evangelism. Now what does a zombie apocalypse and evangelism have to do with each other? Well, if the reason why the dead walk is because "hell ran out of room," then that means there are more souls going to hell then going to heaven. Matthew 28:18-20 says,
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
As Followers of Christ, it is our responsibility to share the Gospel with everyone we come in contact with. It is more important that we live out or faith just as much as we profess it. However, I know for some, evangelising is a hard thing to do. What is so challenging about spreading the gospel? One reason is that most people do not know how. Some people have seen other people evangelizing on street corners handing out tracts and saying, "repent for the end is near." Some have seen people walk up to people and tell the person that they are spreading the gospel that they are sinners and they need to change there ways or they are going to hell. For some people these methods work, however for some, it continues to see Christians as a bunch of crazies and they walk further and further away from Christ.
Is there a better solution to witness to people? Yes! reading through the four Gospels, I notice some things about Jesus when he would talk to people. First, he would never start off by telling the other person their sins. Any time Jesus would go to an individual, he would never start the conversation talking about sin. He always would ask questions, listen to the person, or would talk to an individual with gentleness and respect. When sin was brought up, that is when he would address it. For example, the woman caught in adultery, Jesus never said that she was a sinner. when the crowd walked away, He asked her if anyone was left to condemn her, she said no, and then he said he did not condemn her either and to go and sin no more. What is interesting about this story is that she knew that she had sinned and was feeling the guilt (and fear) of her actions. Jesus non-chalantly forgave her and told her to sin no more. No hell, fire, and brimstone sermon from Him afterwards.
Lastly, he never pursued a situation where he was never wanted. After Jesus drove the demons out of a man and into a herd of pigs, the villagers wanted him to leave. He did what the crowd asked and left but before he did, he refused the man, who was possessed to come with him because Jesus knew that this man could help lead the village to salvation. When we share the gospel, some do not want to hear it. Unlike Jesus, it is hard for us to walk away when people do not want to hear the message, especially if it is in a work or family setting. However, sometimes it is good to table the sharing of the gospel in order to build up relationships with co-workers, family members, etc. Eventually, something will happen when that particular person would need to hear the gospel and then not only can you lead them to Christ, but they also have a great support system in place.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
You can find the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi here. ->
Friday, September 9, 2011
Update on Prayer PodCast
ATTN: For those of you who are waiting for the next podcast on prayer, I truly apoligize. Ryan recently started school and got a new job and hasn't had time to do the podcast with Scott. Once he gets everything in order, the podcast will be recorded and posted ASAP. Thanks for you patience.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Facebook Vs. The Holy Spirit: What/who do you turn to in descision making
During the past few months, I have had some interesting confrontations with a few people at my church. When they talked to me they all had an issue with my personal facebook profile. The first two people had an issue with a movie that I reviewed. Some of you know that I love to watch movies and use them constantly in my ministry. Some movies are better than others, but I never judge a movie by its cover and/or rating. One movie I was reviewing had a movie title that had a curse word in it. I reviewed the movie on flixster, and continued with the rest of my day. The next few days, I had two people at church talked to me about the posting and thought that it was inappropriate and could hurt me in my searching for a position at a church. Apparently, my settings on the flixster app, posted the movie review to my facebook page without me knowing it. So I thank them for their concern, changed my app settings, and removed the review off my facebook page.
Yesterday, at around 11:00 pm, I posted a link on a friends facebook page about a conversation we were having a few weeks earlier. The link was about a person who makes his/her living by doing something very unusual. This morning, someone from my church commented on my link, saying that the content could affect my future looking for a pastoral position. After reading the comment this person left, I agreed and deleted it. If it wasn’t so late, I would have used better judgment when posting things on a social networking site.
I tell these stories because it made me think about how much stock we put on material things, and in some cases the past. On facebook, I have seen people from my church or other church event, post something like, “This girl is so hot (with a picture of a female dressed provocatively),” or “Holy (expletive), you won’t believe what this guy did.” Now, I know that these poor people have been subject to either their facebook being spammed or hacked. This unfortunate thing happened to them because they clicked on a link a “friend” gave them or they were clicking around on something that they shouldn’t have. Now what if this person had a job and their employer saw this on their page and fired them because of the content. Would that be fair?
My former boss does not have a facebook page. The reason why he does not is because, when he was young, did some stupid stuff in college. One time, a friend posted a picture of him, with a drink in his hand, on his wife’s facebook page. The wife ended up removing the tag on the picture. My boss’ reason for not having a facebook page was so that the stupid things he did in the past, would not affect his ministry. Even though, it has been over 5 years since he graduated, he is afraid of how his past could affect him today.
I think it is sad on how much power a website has over people. If a church based its decision on not hiring me because of what I, or someone else put on my facebook page, then I guess that is not where I need to be. In my life I have seen, pastors look great on the outside, but in reality were a brood of snakes. My 10 year high school reunion is coming up. What if someone was taking pictures of me with my former classmates and everyone had a beer in there hand except me. Would it hurt my chances in finding a job because it was posted on facebook? Let us say that I my entire time there I was sharing the gospel to my class mates. Someone wouldn’t see that in the picture. They would see it and think,” this guy likes to hang out with people who drink. We don’t want this guy as our pastor.”
As Christians, and those who are in leadership at our church, I think we need to be careful in making judgments on people by looking at their facebook page. I also think that we need to be accountable to other people and have conversations with them about the content on their page. I am not angry or upset with the three people who have talked to me about the things on my page. I thank them for their love, support, and showing me how something could hurt my chances at a career. However, I also can see how we could be quick to judgments and make decisions on the things we see. Ultimately, we need to put more stock in the guiding of the Holy Spirit, then on facebook when it comes to decisions.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The Lord's Prayer
Here is a link to the Full Catholic version of the Lord's Prayer.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Theology and Film - Sin Nombre
If you re having a problem with our pod cast player, feel free to listen on our podomatic page.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Update on Week Hiatius
Hello Friends. I was gone for a week because every year I run a performing arts camp. It was a great time to be apart in the developing skills of high school students. What it means for you is that the next coming weeks I will do podcast on theology and film. I will be looking forward to it, hope you will be too.
Friday, July 8, 2011
New podcast "Loniliness" now avalible for streaming and download. you can click listen to the podcast on the player to the right or download it through itunes or our podomatic page.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Notes from the Show - Does going to Church Matter
I think you can look for Martyr's apologies for free if you type it in your search engine. The bonhoeffer doc, you can stream through netflix.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Notes from the Show - Devotional Thought from Vacationing <--- site to check out all the goodness hocking hills has to on the "activities" tab and click "hiking" to get more information on "Conkle's Hollow"
Christian Walk,
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Biblical Eschatology vs. Rapture Theology
Greetings Friends, Earlier in the Month I did a podcast on Judgement day. However since, the May 21st, judgement day did not happen, Camping said that his math was off and now it is schedule for some time in October. Dr. John Byron wrote a great blog on the difference between Biblical Eschatology and Rapture Theology. Click on the link below to read this fantastic article, which is his reflection on a Washington post news article.
The Biblical World: Biblical Eschatology or Rapture Theology?: "It's no secret that I don't believe in the rapture and that I think it tends to foster poor praxis. I have said here before that it creates..."
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Notes from the Show - Judgment Day May 21, 2011?
Dr. John Byron's Blog Post, May 21, 2011: the End of the World?
"This is a great blog to check out. it is updated daily, and has some very interesting articles."
NY's interview with Harold Camping, "A Conversation with Harold Camping, Prophesier of Judgment Day."
Harold Campings Website. "Family Radio"
And in case anyone is curious and wants to waste money on Mr. Camping's book 1994. here is where you can get it. 1994
"This is a great blog to check out. it is updated daily, and has some very interesting articles."
NY's interview with Harold Camping, "A Conversation with Harold Camping, Prophesier of Judgment Day."
Harold Campings Website. "Family Radio"
And in case anyone is curious and wants to waste money on Mr. Camping's book 1994. here is where you can get it. 1994
Friday, May 6, 2011
Osama Bin Laden - Notes from the Show
Here is a link to the Passage of scripture Ryan mentioned in the Podcast. Ezekiel text. Please share your thoughs in the comments section.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Episode 6 - Christian Protest - Notes
There are no notes for this show. But plese comment on this podcast below.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Christian Reflections on Christian Dating sites
When I am working on my Thessalonians assignments or eating lunch, I usually have the television on to help me concentrate (I know that sounds weird but silence does not help me focus). As I was eating lunch and watching Metal Mania on VH1 Classics, There was a commercial for a Christian dating site called Christian (why a christian dating site was being advertised during Metal Mania is a mystery to me). Unlike other dating sites which have some inventory or scientific method to find a compatible partner, Christian Mingle is advising that they allow God to lead the person to find their match. Even though I do believe that God can lead people together, I do have an issue with their advertising. Let's say a couple find each other on a dating site that uses some kind of scientific method. If the couple end up breaking up or getting divorced, then the answer could be that the system was flawed or that the other person was not honest with their compatibility profile. If we use a system based on God's direction and timing, and a couple break up or get divorced, then who is to blame? Is it God? It could be a human error, but if God knows the heart of his people then would he, in someway, give signs to not allow the relationship in the first place? If i was to advertise for the website I would focus more on religious compatibility, then the power of God. If someone wants to date someone who is a christian then go to this site, and when you are dating other Christians, then God can have a part to play in finding a partner. This makes god a part of the process and not the primary source.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Baptism - Notes from the show.
Here are the books Ryan and Scott referenced in the podcast. Please let us know what you think about the topic and join in the discussion.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Episode 4 - Lamenting 101
Scott shares his thoughts on the subject of lamenting.
Notes from the show:
Dr. Terry Wardle's Blog -
Notes from the show:
Dr. Terry Wardle's Blog -
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Episode 3 - Notes from the Podcast
I give a brief explanation of Myth and Religion. You can listen to the podcast to the right or subscribe to it from Itunes. Listed below are the books I mentioned in the show. Enjoy
Monday, February 21, 2011
This is a video of my thoughts on Theology in Video Games
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Suffering and Christianity
Here is a link to my first podcast for Theology and Backgammon:
Please feel free to listen, interact with, comment, challenge, and whatever else it is that you do on here. The topic is suffering from a Christian perspective.
Please feel free to listen, interact with, comment, challenge, and whatever else it is that you do on here. The topic is suffering from a Christian perspective.
Episode 1 - Top 5 Worst Songs Sung in Church
Here is our first podcast. This is my top 5 worst songs that are sung in church. You can click on the link below, subscribe to our podcast on itunes, or play it in our media player to the right.
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Biblical World: The Invention of the Book
I found this to be entertain. This is from one of my professors at Ashaland.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Changes to Theology and Backgammon
Dear Friends,
Ryan and I have been thinking about what new things we can do with this blog. Here are some of the things we have been talking/thinking about.
Ryan and I have been thinking about what new things we can do with this blog. Here are some of the things we have been talking/thinking about.
- YouTube Page
- Pod Casting
- New Writers (Full/Part/Seasonal)
Let us know what you think about these ideas or if you have any of your own.
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