I was hired to cook at a camp during the week. Over the weekend their was a big group that rented out the camp and left the kitchen full of flies. The caretaker took out as many flies as he could, but their were still a handful flying around. Roaming the kitchen, I could not find a fly swatter anywhere. I looked in the pantry, dining hall, and the other buildings on the grounds. I finally asked the caretaker where a fly swatter would be. He told me that they were in the dining hall on one of the counters. Since i looked everywhere in the dining hall, i asked if their were any other swatters on camp if they were not there. He told me those were the only ones he knew about. I walked back to the dining hall and turned on the lights and their were the swatters behind some Tupperware containers.
I was searching for the swatters in the dark. Their was light coming through the windows but i thought that would have been a sufficient amount to find the swatters. It was when the room was full of light, I could find what I was looking for. John 9:5 says, "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world (NIV)." Because of sin we have darkness in our lives. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have the him to light up the darkness in our lives. Paul writes to the Ephesians, "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8 NIV)." When we are living the christian life, we sometimes lose adequate light by not regularly reading the bible, praying, and other disciplines. This can make us lose focus on what we need to do for the kingdom and puts us at odds with it. So it is important to always try to live as children of the light.