The beginning of February, I got into a car accident due to bad winter road conditions. I also had a slow leak in my power steering which made my driving my vehicle a workout than a luxury. I got my truck back from the body shop and the damage from the accident was fixed. However, my power steering part was back ordered so i had to wait until the body shop called me so they can fix it. Driving my truck without power steering is a chore. My arms hurt, my chest hurts, and my joints are in agony. When I put some fluid in, my truck will maneuver great for a few minutes until it all drains out. As I was driving down from Ashland today, I had a allegorical thought on my life and my truck.
I have developed some bad habits over the years. These habits have tripped me up in my spiritual life and as a result, left me confused on where God wants me to go. Driving my truck I thought I am God and the truck is me. I wanted God to guide my life but I have some faulty pieces in me. When God does need me to take a turn in my life, it is hard to tun the wheel, and in some cases has to stop, and go back and forth until He can get it on the right road. I knew of the faulty piece in my life, and i continue to ignore it, do a quick fix, and/or find a temporary solution that would work for a week or two. But God, want the faulty piece to be replaced in me so he can continue to guide me in a smooth fashion.
I still have not got a call from the body shop telling me the part is in, so i continue to have aches and pain driving that stupid truck. In the mean time, I have taken steps to remove the faultiness in me, and allow God to replace those parts. Doing so, I think I have gain more clarity in where God is taking me.